Cheat The Revenge of Shinobi GBA
1EEnable Code (Must Be On)00001CEA 000A
100205DE 0007
1Infinite Lives33000DC5 0009
2Infinite Stars33000DC4 0009
3Infinite Spirit Magic82000074 0364
4Have All Spirit Magic8200006E 0101
82000070 0101
32000072 0001
5Have Key33000014 0001
6Gate Open33000018 0001
7Access All Paths330006DC 0014
Infinite Health Codes[Note 1]
8Bamboo Swamp73005872 0840
33005880 0064
9Forgotten Cemetery73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
10Thunder Woods73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
11Shinrei's Temple73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
12Orchards Of Miogawa73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
13Path To Miogawa73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
14Miogawa Docks73003EDA 0840
33003EE8 0064
15Bashira's Ship73003E72 0840
33003E80 0064
16Karakkaze Bridge73005516 0840
33005524 0064
17Karakkaze Falls72030EBE 0840
32030ECC 0064
18Cliff City7300634A 0840
33006358 0064
19Karakkaze Fortress73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
20Bandit's City73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
21Old Dosekimine730063CA 0840
330063D8 0064
22Doseki Quarry73003E7A 0840
33003E88 0064
23Doseki's Cavern73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
24Valley Of Ash73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064
25Himoto Cliffs73003E7A 0840
33003E88 0064
26Tower Of Flame73003E7A 0840
33003E88 0064
27MT. Himoto73003E1A 0840
33003E28 0064

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