Cheat Super Mario Advance 3-Yoshi's Island GBA
1EEnable Code (Must Be On)00001086 000A
10002300 0007
Yoshi's Island Codes
1Infinite Lives3300627E 0009
2Have All Items8300628A 0201
8300628C 0403
8300628E 0605
83006290 0807
33006292 0009
3Stop Countdown73006F2A 0000
83006F2A 8000
4Stars 30/3073006B04 0D00
83006ACE 0135
5Red Coins 20/2073006B04 0D00
33006AD6 0014
6Flowers 5/573006B04 0D00
33006A9A 0005
7Press Start+L To End Level74000130 01F7
33006B05 0023
8Unlock All Levels43006B6E 0101
00000022 0002
9Unlock All Extra's4202C8A4 03E8
00000006 0002
10Max Score All Levels43006B08 6464
00000024 0002
11Infinite Flutter [Note 1]73006DD0 0000
83006DD0 0004
12Moon Jump [Note 2]74000130 03FE
33006D8C 0080
13Never Affected By Fuzzies83004AD6 0000
83004BD6 0000
14Can Pass Level Without Mario On Yoshi's Back [Note 3]83006F2A 8000
15Infinite Spit Powers [Note 4]33006E70 000F
Alter Form Codes[Note 5]
16Press L+Up For Helicopter74000130 01BF
33006DB2 0006
17Press L+Right For Car74000130 01EF
33006DB2 0002
18Press L+Left For Baby Mario74000130 01DF
33006DB2 0010
19Press L+A For Choo Choo Train74000130 01FE
33006DB2 0008
20Press L+B For Skiing Yoshi74000130 01FD
33006DB2 000E
21Press L+A+B For Sub Marine74000130 01FC
33006DB2 000C
22Press L+Down For Normal Yoshi74000130 017F
33006DB2 0000
23Press L+R+Down For Mole74000130 007F
33006DB2 0004
Mario Bros. Codes
24Invincible73004038 0800
83004038 0100
73004042 0080
83004042 0000
25Infinite Lives33002655 0009
26Infinite POW Blocks83003930 B0AF
83003E30 B0AF
(27 codes total)

Super Mario Advance 3-Yoshi's Island Notes
Note 1:
With this code, do not use with Moon Jump.
Note 2:
With this code, do not use with Infinite Flutter.
Note 3:
With this code, you can pass the finish ring, or even go through pipes and stuff without baby mario.
Note 4:
With this code, to get rid of the power, turn off switch and spit til power goes away.
Note 5:
With these codes, in any of the forms other than normal yoshi, baby mario won't get knocked off Yoshi's back.

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