Cheat Summon Night - Swordcraft Story 2 GBA

Enable Code/Master Code 

0000CF73 000A
1008B474 0007

You must enter this code to enable other codes.

Infinite HP

A3002910 0000
4300060C 869F
00000002 0004
A3002910 0000
4300060E 0001
00000002 0004

Set's HP to 9999

Get Max Items 

Item Name Code Hacker(s)
========= ============= =========
Bandage 3200142B 0063 GMO
Kicker Potion 3200142C 0063 GMO
HeartLeaf Potion 3200142D 0063 GMO
HardBoiled Egg 3200142E 0063 GMO
Seafood Soup 3200142F 0063 GMO
Med Kit 32001430 0063 GMO
Rubstone 32001431 0063 GMO
Whetstone 32001432 0063 GMO
Grinding Stone 32001433 0063 GMO
Red Daemon Gem 32001434 0063 GMO
Red Daemon Gem 32001435 0063 GMO
Red Daemon Gem 32001436 0063 GMO
Red Daemon Gem 32001437 0063 GMO
Red Daemon Gem 32001438 0063 GMO
Red Daemon Gem 32001439 0063 GMO
Anywhere Diary 3200143A 0063 GMO
Repellent Amulet 3200143B 0063 GMO
Lure Charm 3200143C 0063 GMO
Kicker Berry 3200143D 0063 GMO
HeartBeat Berry 3200143E 0063 GMO
BurgunBerry 3200143F 0063 GMO
Flat Stone 32001440 0063 GMO
Polish Stone 32001441 0063 GMO
Zasso Leaf 32001442 0063 GMO
Fluff Grass 32001443 0063 GMO
Premium Paper 32001444 0063 GMO
Clean Paper 32001445 0063 GMO
Bouillon 32001446 0063 GMO
Green Tree Sap 32001447 0063 GMO
Algor Tree Sap 32001448 0063 GMO
Tree Branch 32001449 0063 GMO
Srinky Syrup 3200144A 0063 GMO
Flower Syrup 3200144B 0063 GMO
Tough Leather 3200144C 0063 GMO
Small Worm 3200144D 0063 GMO
Lugworm 3200144E 0063 GMO
Red Shrimp 3200144F 0063 GMO
Lobster 32001450 0063 GMO
Gourmet Clam 32001451 0063 GMO
Mystery Egg 32001452 0063 GMO
Shiny Rock Salt 32001453 0063 GMO
Ripe Berry 32001454 0063 GMO
Rare Medal 32001455 0063 GMO
Iron Ore 3200145D 0063 GMO
Charged 0re 3200145E 0063 GMO
Leafwyrm 3200145F 0063 GMO
Heavy Metal 0re 32001460 0063 GMO
Aqua 0re 32001461 0063 GMO
Beast Crest 32001462 0063 GMO
Blaze 0re 32001463 0063 GMO
Gale 0re 32001464 0063 GMO
Boost Motor 32001465 0063 GMO
Light Metal 0re 32001466 0063 GMO
Fulgur Horn 32001467 0063 GMO
Beast King Crest 32001468 0063 GMO
SandStone 0re 32001469 0063 GMO
Vortex Crab Claw 3200146A 0063 GMO
HardShell 3200146B 0063 GMO
Adaman 0re 3200146C 0063 GMO
Diffusion Device 3200146D 0063 GMO
Anti-Demon 0re 3200146E 0063 GMO
Crystal 3200146F 0063 GMO
Wyvern Claw 32001470 0063 GMO
Heroe's Badge 32001471 0063 Sephiroth
Mark Of Courage 32001472 0063 Sephiroth
Demon Horn 32001473 0063 Sephiroth
Lion's Crest 32001474 0063 Sephiroth
Machinery Scroll 32001475 0063 Sephiroth
Crimson Horn 32001476 0063 Sephiroth
Ninja Scroll I 32001477 0063 Sephiroth
Ninja Scroll II 32001478 0063 Sephiroth
Kishin Horn 32001479 0063 Sephiroth
Tyrant Soulstone 3200147A 0063 Sephiroth
Doji Soulstone 3200147B 0063 Sephiroth
Eye of Truth 3200147C 0063 Sephiroth
Witchstone 3200147D 0063 Sephiroth
Gem of Light 3200147E 0063 Sephiroth
Blackdragon Fang 3200147F 0063 Sephiroth
Onyx Lifestone 32001480 0063 Sephiroth
Mechanical Box 32001481 0063 Sephiroth
Cat Paw Figure 32001482 0063 Sephiroth
Angel Ice Statue 32001483 0063 Sephiroth
Bushido Scroll 32001484 0063 Sephiroth

Summon Night: Sword Craft Story 2

*Note: No need for Master Code

Max Money
82001524 967f
82001526 0098

8200101E 270F Max HP
82001020 270F Infinite HP

1 EXP For 1 Level Up
82001050 0001

1-Hit Kill Enemy 1
83000938 0001

Max Weapon Stats (All Weapons)
42001022 FFFF
0000000F 0002

Have All Items
(Excludes Red Daemon Gems)
4200142A 6363
00000005 0002
4200143A 6363
0000000E 0002
4200145C 6363
0000000B 0002

Have All Items
(Including Red Daemon Gems)
4200142A 6363
00000016 0002
4200145C 6363
0000000B 0002

Max Weapon Stats
Equipped Weapon
32001028 00FF ATK
32001032 00FF DEF
3200103C 00FF AGL

Weapon 1
32001022 00FF ATK
3200102C 00FF DEF
32001036 00FF AGL

Weapon 2
32001024 00FF ATK
3200102E 00FF DEF
32001038 00FF AGL

Weapon 3
32001026 00FF ATK
32001030 00FF DEF
3200103A 00FF AGL

Have Max Items
3200142B 0063 Bandage
3200142C 0063 Kicker Potion
3200142D 0063 HeartLeaf Potion
3200142E 0063 HardBoiled Egg
3200142F 0063 Seafood Soup
32001430 0063 Med Kit
32001431 0063 Rubstone
32001432 0063 Whetstone
32001433 0063 Grinding Stone
32001434 0063 Red Daemon Gem
32001435 0063 Red Daemon Gem
32001436 0063 Red Daemon Gem
32001437 0063 Red Daemon Gem
32001438 0063 Red Daemon Gem
32001439 0063 Red Daemon Gem
3200143A 0063 Anywhere Diary
3200143B 0063 Repellent Amulet
3200143C 0063 Lure Charm
3200143D 0063 Kicker Berry
3200143E 0063 HeartBeat Berry
3200143F 0063 BurgunBerry
32001440 0063 Flat Stone
32001441 0063 Polish Stone
32001442 0063 Zasso Leaf
32001443 0063 Fluff Grass
32001444 0063 Premium Paper
32001445 0063 Clean Paper
32001446 0063 Bouillon
32001447 0063 Green Tree Sap
32001448 0063 Algor Tree Sap
32001449 0063 Tree Branch
3200144A 0063 Srinky Syrup
3200144B 0063 Flower Syrup
3200144C 0063 Tough Leather
3200144D 0063 Small Worm
3200144E 0063 Lugworm
3200144F 0063 Red Shrimp
32001450 0063 Lobster
32001451 0063 Gourmet Clam
32001452 0063 Mystery Egg
32001453 0063 Shiny Rock Salt
32001454 0063 Ripe Berry
32001455 0063 Rare Medal
3200145D 0063 Iron Ore
3200145E 0063 Charged 0re
3200145F 0063 Leafwyrm
32001460 0063 Heavy Metal 0re
32001461 0063 Aqua 0re
32001462 0063 Beast Crest
32001463 0063 Blaze 0re
32001464 0063 Gale 0re
32001465 0063 Boost Motor
32001466 0063 Light Metal 0re
32001467 0063 Fulgur Horn
32001468 0063 Beast King Crest
32001469 0063 SandStone 0re
3200146A 0063 Vortex Crab Claw
3200146B 0063 HardShell
3200146C 0063 Adaman 0re
3200146D 0063 Diffusion Device
3200146E 0063 Anti-Demon 0re
3200146F 0063 Crystal
32001470 0063 Wyvern Claw

Enemy Modifer 

32000142 00??

Replace ?? With from 00 - 9A, AA - D2
Out from there, it will make the game crushed. Also avoiding using from 00 - 03 since after battle it will your game crushed.

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