CheatThe Lord Of The Rings - The Fellowship Of The Ring GBA
NOTE: This Game Needs Code Breaker Version 1.1 Or HIGHER!!
1EEnable Code (Must Be On)00008D05 000A
10003108 0007
1Have 999 Coins8300086C 03E7
2Press Select For Sudden Death Enemies74000130 03FB
430051B2 0500
00000008 0040
Frodo Codes
3Infinite Health33004F6F 0037
4Max Skill Level33004E32 0007
5Max Health Level33004E33 0007
6Max Speed73004F8C 01E0
83004F8C 02E0
Sam Codes
7Infinite Health33004FAF 0037
8Max Skill Level33004E36 0007
9Max Health Level33004E37 0007
10Max Speed73004FCC 01E0
83004FCC 02E0
Pippin Codes
11Infinite Health33004FEF 0035
12Max Skill Level33004E3A 0007
13Max Health Level33004E3B 0007
14Max Speed7300500C 01E0
8300500C 02E0
Merry Codes
15Infinite Health3300502F 0040
16Max Skill Level33004E3E 0007
17Max Health Level33004E3F 0007
18Max Speed7300504C 01E0
8300504C 02E0
Aragorn Codes
19Infinite Health3300506F 005A
20Max Skill Level33004E42 0007
21Max Health Level33004E43 0007
22Max Speed7300508C 01E0
8300508C 02E0
Gandalf Codes
23Infinite Health330050AF 002D
24Max Skill Level33004E46 0007
25Max Health Level33004E47 0007
26Max Speed730050CC 01E0
830050CC 02E0
Boromir Codes
27Infinite Health330050EF 003F
28Max Skill Level33004E4A 0007
29Max Health Level33004E4B 0007
30Max Speed7300510C 01E0
8300510C 02E0
Legolas Codes
31Infinite Health3300512F 0047
32Max Skill Level33004E4E 0007
33Max Health Level33004E4F 0007
34Max Speed7300514C 01E0
8300514C 02E0
Gimli Codes
35Infinite Health3300516F 005A
36Max Skill Level33004E52 0007
37Max Health Level33004E53 0007
38Max Speed7300518C 01E0
8300518C 02E0
Boromir-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
39Slot 18203B51A ????
40Slot 28203B51E ????
41Slot 38203B512 ????
42Slot 48203B516 ????
43Slot 58203B522 ????
Gimli-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
44Slot 18203B55A ????
45Slot 28203B55E ????
46Slot 38203B552 ????
47Slot 48203B556 ????
48Slot 58203B562 ????
Frodo-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
49Slot 18203B59A ????
50Slot 28203B59E ????
51Slot 38203B592 ????
52Slot 48203B596 ????
53Slot 58203B5A2 ????
Gandalf-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
54Slot 18203B5DA ????
55Slot 28203B5DE ????
56Slot 38203B5D2 ????
57Slot 48203B5D6 ????
58Slot 58203B5E2 ????
Merry-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
59Slot 18203B61A ????
60Slot 28203B61E ????
61Slot 38203B612 ????
62Slot 48203B616 ????
63Slot 58203B622 ????
Legolas-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
64Slot 18203B65A ????
65Slot 28203B65E ????
66Slot 38203B652 ????
67Slot 48203B656 ????
68Slot 58203B662 ????
Pippin-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
69Slot 18203B69A ????
70Slot 28203B69E ????
71Slot 38203B692 ????
72Slot 48203B696 ????
73Slot 58203B6A2 ????
Sam-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
74Slot 18203B6DA ????
75Slot 28203B6DE ????
76Slot 38203B6D2 ????
77Slot 48203B6D6 ????
78Slot 58203B6E2 ????
Aragorn-Equipped Part Modifier Codes
79Slot 18203B71A ????
80Slot 28203B71E ????
81Slot 38203B712 ????
82Slot 48203B716 ????
83Slot 58203B722 ????
Boromir-Item Modifier Codes
84Slot 18203B532 ????
85Slot 28203B536 ????
86Slot 38203B53A ????
87Slot 48203B53E ????
88Slot 58203B542 ????
89Slot 68203B546 ????
Gimli-Item Modifier Codes
90Slot 18203B572 ????
91Slot 28203B576 ????
92Slot 38203B57A ????
93Slot 48203B57E ????
94Slot 58203B582 ????
95Slot 68203B586 ????
Frodo-Item Modifier Codes
96Slot 18203B5B2 ????
97Slot 28203B5B6 ????
98Slot 38203B5BA ????
99Slot 48203B5BE ????
100Slot 58203B5C2 ????
101Slot 68203B5C6 ????
Gandalf-Item Modifier Codes
102Slot 18203B5F2 ????
103Slot 28203B5F6 ????
104Slot 38203B5FA ????
105Slot 48203B5FE ????
106Slot 58203B602 ????
107Slot 68203B606 ????
Merry-Item Modifier Codes
108Slot 18203B632 ????
109Slot 28203B636 ????
110Slot 38203B63A ????
111Slot 48203B63E ????
112Slot 58203B642 ????
113Slot 68203B646 ????
Legolas-Item Modifier Codes
114Slot 18203B672 ????
115Slot 28203B676 ????
116Slot 38203B67A ????
117Slot 48203B67E ????
118Slot 58203B682 ????
119Slot 68203B686 ????
Pippin-Item Modifier Codes
120Slot 18203B6B2 ????
121Slot 28203B6B6 ????
122Slot 38203B6BA ????
123Slot 48203B6BE ????
124Slot 58203B6C2 ????
125Slot 68203B6C6 ????
Sam-Item Modifier Codes
126Slot 18203B6F2 ????
127Slot 28203B6F6 ????
128Slot 38203B6FA ????
129Slot 48203B6FE ????
130Slot 58203B702 ????
131Slot 68203B706 ????
Aragorn-Item Modifier Codes
132Slot 18203B732 ????
133Slot 28203B736 ????
134Slot 38203B73A ????
135Slot 48203B73E ????
136Slot 58203B742 ????
137Slot 68203B746 ????
Quantity Digits to Accompany Equipped Item Modifier Codes
0075 - Sling
0076 - Fine Sling
0079 - Stick
007A - Dagger
007B - Fine Dagger
007C - Elven Dagger
0080 - Knife For The Dead
0081 - Barrow-Blades
0085 - Sword
0086 - Fine Sword
0088 - Elven Sword Orc Biter
0089 - Elven Sword GoblinGorer
008A - Elven Sword TrollsCurse
008B - Elven Sword SpiderSlicer
008C - Elven Sword BurningBlade
008D - Elven Sword Muddling
0090 - Anduril Sword Forged
0091 - Anduril Sword Broken
0092 - Flame Of Destruction
0095 - Glamdring Sword
0096 - Sting
0099 - Bow
009A - Elven Bow
009C - Fine Bow
009D - Bow Of Galadriel
00A1 - Axe
00A2 - Fine Axe
00A3 - Durins Axe
00A6 - Squib Firework
00A7 - Sunstar Firework
00A8 - Elf Fountain Firework
00AA - Gandalf's Staff
00B0 - Small Helmet
00B1 - Small Shield
00B3 - Fine Leather
00B4 - Fine Small Leather
00B5 - Small Leather
00B6 - Small Elven Leather
00B8 - Bilbos Mithril Coat
00B9 - Dwarven Chain Mail
00BA - Fine Small Chain Mail
00BB - Small Dwarven Chain Mail
00BC - Small Chain Mail
00C0 - Helmet
00C1 - Normal Shield
00C4 - Leather
00C5 - Elven Leather
00C6 - Chain Mail
00C7 - Fine Chain Mail
00E9 - Boots
00EA - Old Boots
00F1 - Bog Shoes
Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes
00CC - Cram
00CD - Lembas
00D0 - Red Mushroom
00D1 - Miruvor
00D2 - Orc Liquid
00D3 - Sandwiches
00D4 - Yellow Mushroom
00D5 - Blue Mushroom
00D6 - Draught
00D7 - Cabbage
00E0 - The Ring
00E1 - Athelas
00E2 - Phial Of Galadriel
00E3 - Elven Cloaks
00E4 - Acorn Necklace
00E5 - Lady Arwens Armulet
00E6 - Ruby Necklace
00E7 - Bronze Coin
00E8 - Gold Coin
00EB - Dried Leaves
00EC - Longbottom Leaf Pipeweed
00ED - Old Toby Pipeweed
00EE - Southern Star Pipeweed
00EF - Poison
00F0 - Arthurs Necklace
00F2 - Anti-Sleep Potion
00F3 - Reeds
00F4 - Acorns
00F5 - Blue Feather
00F6 - Willow Withies
00F7 - Silver Spoons
00F8 - Msg For Sancho Proudfoot
00F9 - Msg For Amos Appledore
00FA - Msg For Dwarf
00FB - Chest Key
00FC - Insect Ointment
00FD - Chest
00FE - Elfstone
00FF - Watercress
0100 - Hazlenuts
0101 - Empty Phial
0102 - Mallorn Seed
0103 - Tomb Key
0104 - Aragorn's Box Of Earth
0105 - Silk Cocoon
010A - Amulet
010B - Boromirs Horn
010E - Health Potion
010F - Super Health Potion
0110 - Antidote
0111 - Scroll Knowledge
0112 - Scroll Fireblast
0113 - Scroll Weapon Shield
0114 - Scroll Arrow Shield
0115 - Scroll Stone
0116 - Scroll False Friend
0117 - Ancient Book Of Lore
011A - Rune F
011B - Rune R
011C - Rune I
011D - Rune E
011E - Rune N
011F - Rune D
0120 - Rune O
0121 - Rune G
0122 - Rune A

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