• While in pause menu press each code for different color of lightsabre, force and gun shots
    black color of lightsabre, force and gun shotsL , L, R, start
    blue color of lightsabre, force and gun shotsR, R, R, start
    green color of lightsabre, force and gun shotsR, L, R, start
    Purple color of lightsabre, force and gun shotsL, R, L, start
    red color of lightsabre, force and gun shotsL, R, R, start
    yellow color of lightsabre, force and gun shotsR, R, L, start

  • Cheat Codes

    Enter the following codes:
    Different musicUp, Up, Up, Up, R, L, Down, Down, Down, Down,
    Enable hyper thrusters for a limited timeRight, down, right, up, right, L
    Gives a Golden R2-D2 as a usable character for that mission.Start, Start, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up.
    Gives General Grievous as a usable character for that mission.Start, Start, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down.
    Gives you 10 studsUp, right, down, left, up, right, down, left, select.
    Infinite StaminaWhile paused, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, L, R, Start.
    Instantly gives a repair robotWhile on the pause menu, press down, down, down, down, L, right, down, right, L
    Invasion ThemeDown, Down, Down, Down, L, R, Up, Up, Up, Up,
    Main Star Wars ThemeUp, Up, Up, Up, L, R, Down, Down, Down, Down,
    More different musicDown, Down, Down, Down, R, L, Up, Up, Up, Up,
    More speed for a whileWhile in the pause menu, press right, right, down, up, right, L.
    Play as a Battle DroidOn the start screen, Start, start, left, down, down, down, down, right
    Play as a black and silver R2-D2 (does the same things as R2-D2, but looks different)START, START, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN
    Play as a DroidekaWhile paused, start, start, down, right, left, down, right, left.
    Play as a repair droidWhile paused, start, start, up, up, up, down, down, down
    play as blue GunganWhile on the pause menu: start, start, down, left, right, down, left, right
    Play as C-3POWhile paused, press start, start, left, down, right, up, right, right
    Play as destroyer droid.start,start,left,up,right,down,right,up
    Play as Droid on HoversledWhile the game is paused press, Start, Start, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up
    Play as General GrievousWhile the game is paused press, Start, Start, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down
    Play as Geonosian Wingged GuyWhile paused: Start, Start, Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up
    Play as R2-D2While the game is paused press, Start, Start, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up, Up
    Play as R4-P17While the game is paused press, Start, Start, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
    Powerful BlastersWhile the game is paused press, Down, Down, Left, Right, Down, L
    See all the cut-scenesWhile paused, down, up, R, L, R, R, R, down, down, up, down, down, select
    See Yoda quotesWhile paused, Down, L, R, SELECT
    Sheep ModeWhile paused, L, R, L, down, up, R, R, right, left, down, right, right, select
    Some random coins will be dropped near youWhile on the pause menu, press L, L, L, right, left, R, R, R
    Strange ColorsWhile paused, L - L - L - LEFT - LEFT - R - R - RIGHT - RIGHT - DOWN - DOWN - DOWN - SELECT


  • Unlock Characters to buy in Freeplay

    Play throughout the game to unlock characters to buy in Freeplay mode.
    UnlockableHow to Unlock
    AmidalaComplete Level 3 (Naboo City) in Episode I
    AnakinComplete level 1 of Episode II
    ChewbaccaComplete Level 2 in Episode III
    Clone Trooperbeat level 4 episode III
    Darth MaulComplete Episode I in Story Mode
    Darth VaderComplete Episode III in Story Mode
    DookuComplete Level 1 in Episode III
    Jango FettComplete Episode I, II, and III
    Jar JarComplete Level 2 in Episode I
    Obi Wanbeat level 5 episode III
    Qui GonComplete Level 1 in Episode I
    R2 D2beat level 2 Episode II
    R4-P17Complete level 3 in Episode III
    Tusken Raiderbeat level 4 episode I
    YodaComplete Episode II in Story Mode

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